姓 名:舒雄
联系方式:(+86) 18152718380
多年一直致力于锂离子电池储能系统可靠性评估、寿命预测理论及电驱系统产品开发、应用研究。近5年主持国家自然科学基金、湖南省重点研发项目等省部级及以上科研项目3项,企业横向项目多项;发表论文二十余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Power Source、Journal of Energy Storage、Engineering Failure Analysis等国际权威SCI期刊上收录10篇;担任国际期刊《Reliability engineering and system safety》、《Applied Energy》、《Energies》等审稿人。
2022.11-至今 |
BETWAY官方网站 |
2022.02-2022.11 |
浙江吉利集团动力研究院 |
2020.04-2022.02 |
湖南恒润汽车有限公司新能源研究 |
2017.04-2019.06 |
桑德集团.湖南意谱电动系统有限公司 |
2016.02-2017.04 |
深圳沃特玛电池有限公司动力总成研究院 |
[1]. HRQ6351BEV 纯电动多用途乘用车关键技术研发和产业化,主持,湘潭市科技重点研发项目(企业合作),5万,项目编号:GX-YB20211012,2021-2022
[2]. 复杂应力下车用锂离子电池性能退化分析及剩余寿命预测研究,主持,湖南省自然科学基金,10万,项目编号:2022JJ50119,2022-2024.
[3]. 复杂工况下车载锂离子电池性能退化机制与服役可靠性评估研究,主持,国家自然科学基金青年基金,30万,项目编号:52205149,2023-2025.
[4]. 新能源特种车辆大功率电驱系统关键技术,主持,湖南省重点研发项目,80万,项目编号:2023GK2038,2023.07-2025.06
[1]. Shu Xiong; Yang Wenxian; Guo Yingfu; Wei Kexiang; Qin Bo; Zhu Guanghua ; A reliability study of electric vehicle battery from the perspective of power supply system, Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 451: 1-11
[2]. Shu Xiong; Guo Yingfu; Yang Wenxian; Wei Kexiang; Zhu Yun; Zou Hongxiang; A Detailed Reliability Study of the Motor System in Pure Electric Vans by the Approach of Fault Tree Analysis, IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 5295-5307
[3]. Shu Xiong; Guo Yingfu; Yang Wenxian; Wei Kexiang; Zhu Guanghui; Life-cycle assessment of the environmental impact of the batteries used in pure electric passenger cars, Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 2302-2315.
[4]. Shu Xiong, Yang Huan, Zhou Hongguang, Wei Kexiang, Guo Yingfu and He Sudong. Fault diagnosis and failure analysis of motor controller by the approach of Bayesian inference[J]. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2021(1/4):86.
[5]. Shu Xiong; GuoYingfu; Yang Huan; Zou Hongxiang; Wei Kexiang ; Reliability Study of Motor Controller in Electric Vehicle by the Approach of Fault Tree Analysis, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 121: 1-12
[6]. Zhu Yun, Liu Siwei, Wei Kexiang, Zuo Hongyan, Du Ronghua, Shu Xiong*. A novel based-performance degradation Wiener process model for real-time reliability evaluation of lithium-ion battery - ScienceDirect[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022,50, 104313.
[7]. Shu Xiong, Yang Wenxian, Wei Kexiang, Qin Bo, Du Ronghua, Yang Bowen, Akhil Garg. Research on capacity characteristics and prediction method of electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries under time-varying operating conditions[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2023, 58 106334
[8]. Shu Xiong, Yang Wenxian, Bowen Yang, Kexiang Wei, Konlayutt Punyawudho, Chen Liu. Research on EIS characterization and internal morphological changes of LIBs during degradation process, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2024, 155,107764